Sea walking on Sanur beach

Another exhilarating activity to do in Bali is sea walking. It is a great alternative to those who wish to experience the marine life but lack scuba diving skills.

Although I am not so great with the ocean, I could not resist the many water activity options here in Bali. So I decided to try something new and sea walking seemed like an interesting doable choice. Let me say it did not disappoint indeed! It was definitely one of the most thrilling experiences I have ever tried.

The activity is unusual but don’t worry it is very simple and easy to follow the needed steps. It is suitable for most ages and relatively very safe. Guides are there with you throughout the experience and most importantly it does not require any swimming skills what so ever.

The journey starts by taking a speed boat somewhere a little further from the beach where you will be going down a ladder into the middle of the ocean ?. You could be wearing any kind of swim wear you like, but you will be provided with head gear for underwater breathing. The equipment is placed on your head right before you descent into the waters and it will be taken out the second you peak out. It feels heavy on the shoulders when it is first placed on you but the weight is pulled away by the water pressure the minute you dive. When wearing the head gear, your head stays dry while you casually walk around the ocean grounds. It feels kind of weird to look through a glass window with a dry face but have your entire body soaked into the ocean and walk right through a shoal of fish ?. You will also have a chance to feed the fish and take thrilling pictures next to the coral reef.

I got to say though, the waters of the Bali oceans were not very clear or very rich with marine life as I expected. And I honestly don’t know if a similar sea walking experience is offered in a better environment in Bali or anywhere else. It still unique and fun in my opinion and totally worth a try. My personal experience was at the Sanur beach with the Sea Walker Tour Sanur agency at the Puri Santrian Hotel. It costed around 40$ (150 SAR) per person and the dive itself lasted around 20 minutes. The guides will take plenty of photos of you ‘often while getting photobombed by a pretty fish’ which you can purchase at additional costs.

Hope you have a thrilling time fellow adrenaline junkies

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